The GRPI Model

Richard Beckhard’s model is an approached used to increase effectiveness of team development and a formula used for leading high-performance teams.

It can also purposely serve for identifying potential causes of team dysfunction and raising awareness about performance issues within a team.

The four main aspects of this model are Goals, Roles, Processes and Interpersonal relationships.


  • Clarity of objective, target and priorities
  • Full understanding by all team members
  • All members committed to set standards and same expectations
  • Precise deadlines
  • Goals that fit in with atmosphere and environment


  • Clear roles and responsibilities
  • Individual responsibilities match team goals
  • All members aware of every other members individual responsibilities
  • Understanding of boundaries


  • Procedures working correctly (collaboration in problem-solving, dealing with conflict, open/good communication, effective decision making)
  • Clear levels of authority and coordination of workload


  • Healthy climate of well-respected colleagues
  • Trust and flexibility
  • Culture of frequent feedback

This model can be useful for when teams are stuck and leaders need to review aspects of teamwork. If all the sections of the pyramid (top to bottom) have been reviewed – high-performance teams evolve from these high-impact leadership skills. This model has a clear mission – enhance performance and support high achievement.

However, this model has its limitations. As we can see, it is a very static model. Its purpose refers to a specific point in time and not as useful to all phases to a team’s development.

GRPI Model

Annette B. Czernik, (1972). GRPI Model, Beckhard. [image] Available at: [Accessed 25 Aug. 2016].