Leadership apprenticeships

Transferring your Levy to other employers

Did you know that the apprenticeship levy funds transfer rules have changed?

With over £3bn in unspent levy funds, now is the time to make the most of your levy.

What options are there for your organisation?

Transfer of funds

Any levy employer before 1st April 2019, was able to transfer 10% of their funds to other businesses and organisations. However, the rules have now changed, and the maximum allowed is now 25%.

Levy funds can be used to support a new apprentice or up-skill an existing workforce*.

If you are an employer with left-over levy funds and want to transfer them before you lose it, here is an indicative example of what your funds could pay for, for another organisation or learner who needs the financial backing of a ‘Levy Gift’:

  • Up to £7000 – Level 5 Operations/Departmental Manager Apprenticeship
  • Up to £4500 – Level 3 Team Leader/Supervisor Apprenticeship

What a great way to show you support Apprenticeships by transferring some of your levy funds to pay for apprenticeship training for someone who has an aspiration to be a manager of tomorrow!

Our specialists are waiting to talk to you today to discuss how you can transfer your unused levy funds.

*funding rules apply. Subject to eligibility checks and other regulations. Contact us for more information.

Use it yourself

Accipio can offer you a full review of your leadership and management programmes. We work with our clients to merge and combine leadership development programmes into the apprenticeship programme.

We can set you up on our cohort systems quickly and easily, with access to our own learner management system, digital training platform, specialist tutor support, engaging and thought inspiring workshops, led by thought leaders, phycologists and industry experts.

We offer personalised cohorts for clients and we also offer the collaborative approach to an open programme, where our students are taught theory, with other likeminded individuals. Students can network with other colleagues from their own and other organisations, supporting the teaching and learning elements and building relationships outside of their organisation.

If this sounds like something you would be keen to explore, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or to set up a meeting to discuss your organisational needs.