Accipio + Chartered Insurance Institute (CII)

LMS | Moodle

Delivering all of their coursework units across the business, scaling over time to up to 400,000 users


The Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) is a professional body dedicated to building public trust in the insurance and personal finance professions. They wanted someone who could update their existing complex platform to the latest version of Moodle.

CII iPhone
CII iMac

The Challenge

The CII had an outdated learning management system on an unsupported version of Moodle, with customisations from a former provider that made upgrading very difficult. They approached us, at Accipio, to move to the latest version of Moodle, with the scope to easily upgrade to subsequent versions without significant upgrade costs.

This needed to integrate with the existing systems, including: the shop (for purchasing courses), the customer service platform (for refunds, extensions, etc) and central CRM (for gradings and certification).

The CII were looking for a full training management suite, with plagiarism handling, automatic sampling, double blind marking, automated IQA and EQA processes, submission reminders, due date management, customer service provision, resubmission ability, an external shop and full submission history logging built-in.

What we did

We met these needs by deploying Moodle Workplace 3.11. The new platform was still branded, but could be upgraded substantially more easily than its predecessor. The new site merged multiple platforms into one, with everything resulting to a central CRM. The specific challenges set by the CII were met through a number of Training Management Systems, as well as a substantial amount of integration work.

  • Accipio Gradingflow is a custom grading system to manage the end-to-end marking and internal/external verification process. It allows for:
    • Automatically allocated double blind marking, with the true grade being applied based on rules and sampling quotients;
    • Turnitin/plagiarism handling;
    • Automatic sampling;
    • Automated IQA and EQA processes; and
    • Due date management and customer service provision.
  • This is supported by Accipio Assessment, which provides submission reminder emails
  • The implementation of Accipio Shop has provided:
    • Automated provisioning of courses through an external shop; and
    • The ability to purchase resubmissions.
  • Accipio Multigrade allows for the specific entry of grades per question, to adhere to the CII marking model and allow for specific grade entires into the legacy central CRM.

The Results

Our solution has provided an automated, modern platform, updated to the latest version of Moodle. The removal of core customisations, with an equally effective solution, allows for greater scalability and the potential for it to be easily updated in the future.

Thus far, the site has had roughly 25,000 users and 62,000 course enrolments, in its first 6 months.

The platform integrates with their legacy systems and has played a large role in the ongoing change transformation at the CII. By merging the marking platform into the new site, it has substantially reduced the cost and effort of maintenance and administration.